Shri Umed Singh II Bahadur

BIO-DATA of Lt. Col. His Highness Sir Umed Sing II Bahadur, GCSI, GCIE, GBE, LLD., Maharao of Kotah.

Full Title

Lt. Col. His Highness Mahimahendra Maharajadhiraj Maharao Raja Shri Sir Umed Singh II Bahadur, GCSI, GCIE, GBE, LL.D., Maharao of Kotah.


Hada Chauhan


15 September 1873 (Ananta Chatturdashi) at Kotda, Kotah State.
He was the second son of Maharaja Chaggan Singh of Kotda thikana and was known as Kr. Udai Singh before adoption to the gaddi of Kotah State.

Accession to the Throne

15 September 1873 (Ananta Chatturdashi) at Kotda, Kotah State.
He was the second son of Maharaja Chaggan Singh of Kotda thikana and was known as Kr. Udai Singh before adoption to the gaddi of Kotah State.


Granted Powers of Administration on 21 December 1892.
Invested with Full Rulling Powers on 5 December 1896, in a Kharita Darbar at the Garh (Fort).


Studied at Mayo College from 1889 to 1892, under Principal Col. William Lock who was his guardian. He was tutored by Munshi Sheo Pratap who later became his Private Secretary.
Excelled in cricket and had a unique record of capturing all 10 wickets in one innings. Was a good sportsman and shot.

Marriage and children and grandchildren

Married Princess Nand Kunwar Bai Saheba of Mewar (d/o. H.H. Maharana Sir Fateh Singhji) on 21 November 1892. One baby daughter born on 20 August 1895. Mother died in child-birth and the baby expired within ten months. Married Princess Kesar Kunwarbai Saheba of Kutch (d/o H.H. Maharao Sir Khengarji) on 17 April 1897. No issues. She expired in 1932.
Married Bai Saheb Gulab Kunwar Saheba of Isarda thikana, Jaipur (d/o. Raja Sawai Singhji) on 22 June 1908.
One son and heir, M.K. Bhim Singh, was born on 14 September 1909.
Grandson Bhanwar Brijraj Singh born on 21.02.1934. He was the first grand-son born to a Ruler of Kotah in his life time.
Grand-daughter, Bhanwar Bai INDIRA KUMARI born 1937.

Military Services

Did attachment in Mhow with 52nd, Highland Regime in 1902 and later with 42nd Deoli Regiment. He was the Honorary Colonel of this regiment.
Commander-in-Chief, Kotah State Forces.
Commissioned Honorary Major in the Indian Army on 01 January 1903.
Commissioned Honorary Lt. Col. in the Indian Army on 01 January 1921.

Honours and Awards

Awarded KCSI on 01 January 1905.
Awarded GCIE on 28 June 1907 in a special investiture by the Viceroy Lord Minto at Calcutta.
Awarded the GCSI on 12 December 1911 in a special investiture by H.M. King George V at the Red Fort, Delhi.
Awarded the GBE on 01 January 1918 for war effort of Kotah State in the World War I.
Awarded personal Gun Salute of 19 guns – on 01 January 1921.
Conferred LLD (Honours Causa) by the Benaras Hindu University in 1936.


Coronation Medal 1903.
Delhi Durbar Medal 1911.
Silver Jubilee Medal 1935.
Coronation Medal 1937.

Gun Salute of Kotah

The Ruler of Kotah had a gun salute of 17 guns.

Area of State

5,725 sq.m.

His Work

During his long reign of 51 years Kotah was transformed from a medieval state into a modern one. This period is recalled as the Golden Era in the history of Kotah. The most important event was the restoration of the 15 parganas of rich land and considerable area back to Kota in 1896, which were earlier carved out of Kotah State to create the State of Jhalawar in 1843. Kotah now had an area of approx. 6000 sq. miles. Kotah was renowned for its excellent administration and its revenue settlement and system which was better and far more beneficial for the cultivators and more advanced than what was prevalent in British India. There was emphasis on the advancement of learning, health and in the setting up of the Co-operative Movement, which were one of the earliest features of Kotah State. The creation of new schools, colleges, hospitals, dispensaries, roads, bridges, the extension of the railway, new canals and reservoirs, the development of industries like stone and glass, advancement of trade and commerce, the installation of electricity and water-work, the erection of all new public buildings, the modernization of the army and police force, all these activities were under-taken with vigour. There was a phenomenal growth in the income and the revenues of the State. The Maharao was assisted in this great work by an able Diwan, Chaube Sir Raghunath Das and a team of loyal and dedicated officers and sirdar who carried out the work of the building up of modern State, which ensured that the public i.e. the ryot was kept happy and in the best of conditions possible. The government was not only responsible but was responsive to the need of the people. The Maharaj was greatly loved by his people. He was also a great philanthropist. The BHU one of the beneficiaries where his name is enshrined in golden letters. He was easily the most accessible of the Rulers to one and all. His shining legacy still lives in the minds and hearts of the people of Kotah, who deeply venerate and cherish with great affection the memory of the great Maharao, their beloved and benevolent King.


27 December 1940.


  • Brijraj Bhawan Palace, Civil Lines
    NayaPura, Kota, Rajasthan
  • 91-7442450529

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