The Agni Vansh or Agni Kul, The Fire Race

Historians differ on the origin of practically all major Rajput clans of today, let alone that of the Chauhans to which the Kotah Royal Family belongs.

The Agni Vansh or Agni Kul, i.e. the Fire Race, consists of four Rajput clans:

The Parmars, Pratihars, Chalukyas alias Solankis and Chauhans. Legend has it that they sprang out of the yagyana or the sacred fire ritual performed at Mount Abu in the very distant legendary past. There is a certain historic logic to this tale.

A group of scholars argues that with the collapse of King Harsha’s empire in the mid-seventh century AD in north India, a political vacuum was created. The ancient Indian Royal Clans had either lost power or were exhausted and near to extinction. It was at this time that priests took in new recruits, assimilating them into the Hindu fold via the recognized manner of purification in front of the sacred fire (aryagyana). Hence we find these new Rajput clans bursting on to the scene by the late sixth century AD. They took on the ancient lineage after establishing themselves in power and were duly accepted. The famous Udaipur prasati of Udaiyaditya (epigraphic history on stone) tell us convincingly that there is much to this theory of the rise of the four Rajput clans of the Agni kul by their passing through sacred fire.

Other historians make out a strong case that the Agni Vansh was in fact a very ancient tribe. A clan known as Agnyas is mentioned in the epic Mahabharata. They were much older than the Surya Vanshis and Chandra Vanshis, the Solar and Lunar Races. When they lost their Kingdoms and power, they took to priesthood and became Brahmins. By the early medieval period (650-110AD), however, retaining their ancient memories, they once again seized the sword instead of the scriptures and re-assumed Rajput identity

Yet others hold the view that the Rajputs of the Agni Vansh were the old Kshatryas who had embraced Buddhism, when it held sway in India. By the 8th century AD, there was a powerful resurgence of Hinduism, and it was then that the aberrant Kshatryas were re-admitted to Hinduism by the purifying sacred fire-ceremony. This also has much credence.

Lastly the well-known historian of Rajasthan, Dr G.H. Ojha, and others, relying on some epigraphical evidence and clutching at stray straws of Hindi literature, try to argue that there is essentially no difference between the Sun and the Fire, saying that they are one and the same thing! Thus according to them the Agni Vanshi are really the Surya Vanshi. This theory in my view is the least acceptable.

The problem with all these is that the origin of the principal Rajput clans or dynasties in fact is a very complex one. Several decades of research and scholarly discussions have not eased the situation and apparently no indisputable conclusion has been reached. This is where we stand at present.

Be that as it may, if dynasties can claim their origin from the Heavens or the Sun or the Moon – then why not from Fire? Certain beliefs in people’s minds are quite unshakable, where the cold logic of history has little meaning or makes little impression. It is like asking an average Jew, Christian or Muslim to forsake their view of mankind’s origin from Adam and Eve. Such facts backed by religion or legend lie strongly imprinted in the mind-set of people. There comes a point in time when one is conducting serious research in unravelling the mysteries of the past, when pure history gets enshrouded by the fog of folklore and the mists of legend. It is nearly impossible to tell what the truth is. Thus, no one can claim with absolute certainty where one’s ancestors really came from and how one’s clan originated.

However the fact remains that as of today, everybody in kotah and Rajasthan accepts the fact that the Chauhans belong to the Agni Vansh or the Agni Kul. All social events, customs, traditions, and marriages have been dictated by this one fact alone throughout the last 1,500 years.


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    NayaPura, Kota, Rajasthan
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