About Kotah

The old kingdom of Kotah lies in the eastern part of the modern state of Rajasthan, which originated from the originated from the integration of twenty-two big and small princely kingdoms of Independence.


This part of eastern Rajasthan, Comprising the old kingdoms of Bundi and Kotah, is known as Hadaoti, i.e. the land of Hadas. In 1948 Kotah covered an area of 5,688 sq.miles.

The erstwhile Kingdom of Kotah became famous not only because of the bravery of its Rajput rulers and warriors, but also through the Kota qalam, the Kotah school of miniature painting, producing both wall paintings in palaces and havelis, and paintings on paper or occasionally on cloth for many centauries.So it was no wonder that on the occasion of the Festival of India in the USA in 1985, some of the Kotah treasures were shown in The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

In Kotah – as in all former royal Rajput families -the law of primogeniture applie. No approval is needed and the succession is normally ratified by the central power – in the days of the Mughal empire by the Emperor himself, later by the British viceroys and thereafter until 1971 by the President of India. In the olden days the umraos or nobles had the power to remove a king from his throne for incapacity or other such grievous charges or faults and enthrone a successor. An umrao is a leading chief of the realm or a big noble equivalent to a duke. Lesser nobles are called sirdars, Thakurs etc.


  • Brijraj Bhawan Palace, Civil Lines
    NayaPura, Kota, Rajasthan
  • 91-7442450529
  • info@kotah.in

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